Marketplace Link:
Installation Guide
Steps to Install
- Open Marketplace, search for DriveConnect > Click on the DriveConnect app card > Click on Install.
Now DriveConnect is Installed in your System.
You can verify the same by clicking on the icon at the top right corner > click Administration > Apps, you can view DriveConnect is Installed.
Adding the DriveConnect App to an Item View
- Open a Board of your choice.
- Open an item’s item view.
- Click on the plus icon > Explore more views.
- Search for DriveConnect in the search bar > Add to Item.
- DriveConnect has been added to all your board’s items.
Connecting with Google Drive
- To connect your Google Drive with, please Connect your Google Account using the Connect your Google Account button on the DriveConnect homepage.
- Once you complete the sign-in process, you will be redirected to your account.
- Now click on the DriveConnect tab > click Complete Final Step.
- Once you successfully Sign In, you will get the confirmation message in the pop-up box. And your Google Drive is connected with the account.
Important Points:
- You CANNOT sign in to multiple Google Drive accounts at the same time.
- To use a different account for the Root Folder’s location, Sign Out from your current Google Drive account(by clicking on the top right Image and Signout). Now, you can connect a new Google Drive account with
- When you connect a new Google Drive account, the files and folders of your previous Google Drive account will always be there, which means anytime you can Sign Out to this account and connect to any of your previous accounts all of your files and folders will always be there.
Cheers! Your app is ready to use.
For any assistance with this process, send an email to “”
and we will help!
User Guide DriveConnect
With the DriveConnect app, you can connect Google Drive with and manage your Files in Google Drive.
Now, open the board in which you have added the DriveConnect app > open an item’s item view, you will see the DriveConnect app tab > click it.
Using DriveConnect App Features
1. Upload Files
You will find the option “Upload a File”, from here you can upload files to an item, and it will automatically save in your Google Drive. You can also upload files by clicking on the plus icon or by dragging files to this section.
Once your files are uploaded successfully, you can see a success pop-up and a table containing all the files uploaded to the board’s item.
After uploading a file, you will see in your Google Drive that a folder for the board and the item has been created in the DriveConnect – Files folder.
NOTE: All the Folders and Files are automatically created in your Google Drive, you do not need to make any configuration or create folders there.
Inside the board’s folder, you’ll find a folder created for the Item as well, item folder name will be named with the Item’s name(here Item 1).
The files related to this item are stored inside this folder. All the Boards and Items follow this hierarchy.
A column named “GDrive Folder Url” is also created on the Board. This column contains your item’s Google Drive Folder URL.
2. Download Files
You can download the file(s) to your local storage. You can do it in two ways:
2.1. Bulk Download
Select files of your choice using the checkboxes in the file table > Click on Download Icon.
2.2. Single Download
Hover over a file in the file table, you can see three icons, and click on the Download icon.
3. Delete Files
You can delete the file(s) & the file will automatically be deleted from the respective Google Drive folder.
You can do it in two ways:
3.1. Bulk Delete
Select files of your choice using the checkboxes in the file table > Click on Delete Icon.
3.2. Single Delete
Hover over a file in the file table, see three icons, and click on the Delete icon.
4. Create Folder
Click on Create Folder Icon > Enter Folder Name > Click on Create OR Press Enter, and your folder is created.
You can find the created folder at the same place where your current item’s files are located.
5. Open In Drive
By Clicking On the Open In Drive Icon a new tab will open with your current item folder in your Google Drive account.
6. Refresh
When clicking the Refresh Icon, the file table will be refreshed. It will be helpful if you have members on the board and they perform any operations then you can refresh here to see the changes.
7. Performing Operations in a Folder created using Create Folder
You can go inside a folder created using the Create Folder operation and perform all the operations(uploading files, deleting files, downloading files, Open In Drive, Creating Folder, etc.) there.
Once you click on the Folder Name, you will be moved to the respective folder. You can confirm it from the Breadcrumbs.
Now any operation you perform here will be applied to this folder only.
You can also see it in your Google Drive.
You can click on the Folder Name in the Breadcrumbs to move to the previous folders.
8. Preview Files
Hover over the file you want to preview > Click the Preview Icon > File preview is opened.
Allowed Operations For Different User Types has four user types: Admin, Member, Viewer, and Guest. You can view all User and their types by Clicking on the top right corner Button > Administration > Users.
The table below contains all the operations allowed for different User types.
S. No. | Operations | Admin | Member | Viewer | Guest |
1 | SignIn/SignOut | Yes | No | No | No |
2 | Upload File | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
3 | Download File | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
4 | Delete File | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
5 | Create Folder | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
6 | Open In Drive | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
7 | Refresh | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
8 | Moving Inside a Folder | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
9 | Preview File | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
NOTE: A Guest User must be invited to a board, then only they can perform the operations shown in the table. Otherwise Guest User are not allowed to perform any operation.