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CV Files App – Shared Drive User Guide

User Guide CV Files Shared Drive

Please refer to this link to install and Configure the Shared Drive app

With the CVFiles Shared Drive app you can connect your Google – Shared Drive with Salesforce and you can upload files to save them in your Shared Drive.

When your Salesforce account is connected with a Shared Drive Google account, A new Shared Drive will be created in your Google Drive as CV-Files, and under CVFiles shared drive, there will be a folder named “Salesforce”. This folder is the root of all the Salesforce Files stored in Google Shared Drive.

Connect To Google Drive

Now, if you navigate to the App Launcher and select the object in which you have added the CVFiles shared file then you will see the CVFiles shared component then you have to click on the “Sign in with Google” button to log in with your Shared Drive account.

Once you are done with the login you will get the confirmation message in the pop-up box. Your Google Drive is connected to the Salesforce account then you have to click on the “Create Folder and Contribute” button to create a folder.


Upload Files

You will find the option to “Upload Files”, from here you can upload files to a record and it will automatically save in your Google Shared Drive.You can also Drag a file to the “Upload Files” section and upload it instantly.

You can see the list of all the files uploaded to the Salesforce record on the component.

After uploading a file you will see in your Google Shared Drive that a folder for the object has been created in the Salesforce folder.

Inside the object folder, you’ll find a folder created for the Record name.

The files related to this record are inside the folder. All the objects and records follow this hierarchy.

On the component, three options are available to interact with the file: “Download”, “Delete” and “Rename”.


You can also download the file to your local storage using the download option.


You can also delete the file & the file will automatically be deleted from the Google Drive folder.


You can also rename the file.


In the CVFiles app, you have the option to create “Folder”, “Spreadsheet”, “Presentation” and “Document”.





Logging into your Shared Google Drive, you will find a new folder, spreadsheet,  presentation and a document created.

Move Files

In the CVFiles Shared Drive app, There is one more functionality to “drag and drop” any component into any folder or that object record itself which is part of that “Object”

Suppose, Here we have created a CV Test 1 folder in the “Dickenson” record. In the CV Test 1 folder, a new CV Test 2  is created the CV Test 3 folder is created under the CV Test 2  folder, and the last CV Test 4 folder is created in the CV Test 3 Folder.

So, here we can easily drag and drop any folder.

Example:- Let’s drag the “CV Test 4” folder into the CV Test 2. So it will easily save in the CV Test 2 folder.

Now when you open the “CV Test 2” folder, you will find the “CV Testy 4” folder is saved in the CV Test 2 folder.

And, when you open the drive folder, you will find the “CV Test 4” folder saved in the “CV Test 2” folder as well.

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