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CV Files App – One Drive Installation & Setup Guide

App Description

  • Our files are scattered between Salesforce and Google Drive/OneDrive accounts.
  • We are at the limits of our Salesforce File Storage or will soon run out of it.
  • Salesforce Storage is very expensive, and we are looking to utilize Google Drive/OneDrive as an alternative.
  • We are using Salesforce and will be working with a lot of documents/files.

If any of this sounds familiar, CV Files is the right solution for you.

It’s an easy-to-install AppExchange App that gives you and your team the ability to upload files inside Salesforce, but they will be uploaded to Google Drive and will not utilize your expensive Salesforce File Storage.

Trial Period for the app: 14 days for 50 users

After you have installed the app, don’t forget to go through CV Files App – One Drive User Guide

Installation of CV Files

Remember, you can always ask us to get on a call to set your app in Sandbox and Production. Just email to ->

Steps to Install

Note: We recommend installing the app in the sandbox first and then install in production if everything looks fine.

  1. Install the CV Files app in Production OR Sandbox Salesforce Org.
  1. Please enter the login details of your Salesforce Administrator account if you are presented with the login screen.

  1. Once you are presented with the installation screen, you must select which users should be granted access to the app, including all its components.

We recommend you choose “Install for Admins Only”, which will ensure only Administrators have access to the app for now. And then, you may give the appropriate permissions by assigning the Right Permission Sets to individual users.

Click the checkbox as shown to Acknowledge your installation, and then click “Install”

Check the “Yes, grant access to these third-party websites”

Once the installation is complete, click the Done button to return to your Salesforce org. You may see a message stating that the installation is taking a longer than expected time to complete. In this case, you will receive an email once the installation finishes.

Now CV Files is Installed in your System.

You can verify the same in the installed packages. From Setup, Search “Installed Packages” and Click “Installed Packages” to view

Configuration Steps

My Domain is a Salesforce feature that lets you highlight your brand, makes your org more secure, and allows you to take advantage of some new features of Salesforce like Lightning Pages, the Lightning App Builder, and, what we are interested in most, Lightning Web Components.

The easiest way to see if you have My Domains enabled is to log into Salesforce and look at the address bar. If you see something like, you are all set and can skip to the next steps.

However, if you see something like, you do not currently have My Domain enabled and need to take a few extra steps first.

For more details, watch a demo of My Domain or review the My Domain module on Trailhead.

Permission Set Assignment

Assign the right Permission Sets to the Users

The following CV Files Permission Sets are to be assigned to users:

  1. CV Files Admin
  2. CV Files User

You can verify the same in the Permission Sets. From Setup, Search “Permission Sets”

Assigning “CV Files Admin Permission Set” allows the user to be able to access the setup component, which enables you to link Salesforce with Google Drive.

Assigning “CV Files User Permission Set” allows the user to see the component which has been configured by the admin and will be able to use all the functionalities available in the component.

Assigning “CV Files Community User Permission Set” allows the user to see the component in the experience cloud sites which has been configured by the admin and will be able to use all the functionalities available in the component.

Assign Licenses to Users

In CV Files, the admin needs to assign the permission set and the licenses to the users so they can avail of all the functionality. By only assigning either the permission set or the license to any user, the user will experience an error.

From Setup, Search “Installed Packages” and follow the below steps,

Choose the users who need to have access to the app.

Note: Both Admins and Non-Admin Users need to have a license.

When your Salesforce account is connected with Google Drive, a folder will be created in your one drive with the name “Salesforce”. This folder is the root of all the Salesforce Files being stored in One Drive.

Add Custom Component to Lightning Record Pages

CV Files component needs to be added to the lightning record pages of an object to create a new folder on the connected Drive.

Steps to Configure

1. Open any Record in Salesforce. We will take an example of Accounts here.

2. From the detail page of the Accounts, Click the gear icon at the top right corner, and select Edit Page to open the Lightning App Builder.

3. Click on the Tabs Page and Click on the Add Tab to add a new tab. Select custom from the dropdown for Tab Label and add the custom label as “CV Files”. You can give any custom label as per your business requirement.

4. Click on Done.

5. Click on the Newly Created Tab “CV Files”. You will see the Add Component(s) Here message.

6. Scroll down in the component section to find the custom components named cvFiles, cvFilesOneDrive, cvFiles(gdrive+onedrive), and cvFiles(DONT USE).

Do not use cvFiles (DONT USE) as it is a legacy component.

Select cvFilesOneDrive or cvFiles (gdrive+onedrive) and drag the custom component to the center of the new tab.

For Digital experience usecvFilesOneDrive component .

7. After adding the component on the CV Files tab, that record page will look like this-

8. Once the page is configured. Click on the Save button on the top right. And go to any Account record and select the CV Files tab.

Now, go to the App Launcher & select the CV Files app. After opening the app, you will be redirected to the Setup Page-

On the Setup Page, you will see two tabs to configure either on your Google account or your one drive account.

Connect To  One drive

To connect your One drive with your Salesforce org, you will be presented with two options either   log in with your One Drive personal Account or One Drive Business Account.

Once you are done with the login, you will get the confirmation message in the pop-up box. And your One drive is connected with the Salesforce account.

Cheers! Your app is ready to use.

For any assistance with this process, send an email to “”

and we will help!


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